The Valencian Association of Musicology issues an official certificate for all effects to the authors of the articles of the digital magazine Quadrivium. For the expedition, it is necessary to send an email to indicating the name, ID of the author, title of the article, postal address where you want to receive the certificate and the language you want for your writing (Valencian, Castilian or both).
The articles will be sent by ordinary mail and if the author wishes to be scanned and sent by electronic mail prior to the mailing. The certificates will be issued once the journal has been published and in exceptional cases before the publication of the same making an amendment when it is requested, if it is the case, of the cause for which it is requested before the publication of the magazine for That the Editorial Committee should evaluate it in the last instance.
The data contained in the certificate are as follows:
- ISSN, Legal Deposit, URL of the journal and CIF of AVAMUS
- Places where the magazine is indexed
- Name, ID of the author and title of the article
- Number and date of publication of the journal
The fees for the issuance of certificates are 5 euros to be entered in the account of AVAMUS IBAN number: ES94 3159 0048 3125 9310 1021 (Caixa Popular). All certificates will be issued after you have verified that the entry was successful.
For any clarification related to the issuance of certificates of the magazine Quadrivium send an email to