For all students, researchers, sponsors and interested in music culture
n 2005, was founded the “Association of Valencian Musicology” (AVAMUS), to stimulate the investigation of our musical heritage. It is a non-profit association that organizes courses, seminars and congresses on a regular basis, and offers, among other things, counseling services, media library and discounts for members in some activities. In addition, publishes for free the magazine Quadrivium of musicological research, which can be consulted through our website.
Until now, it is the voluntary spirit that has propelled AVAMUS to take on new challenges and to consolidate more and more goals for more than an uninterrupted decade, in order to become the musicological association of reference of all Valencians; and everything, practically, without economic resources.
If you believe in our work and the importance of continuing with scheduling new events that contribute to the research and dissemination of the Valencian musical heritage, we ask for the collaboration through a voluntary economic contribution (such as patrons, benefactors or friends of the association) accredited or anonymous, and punctually or periodically, through the following IBAN of Caixa Popular.
Registrations, Courses & Donations
Please make a bank transfer to AVAMUS to the following account of Caixa Popular:
ES94 3159 0048 3125 9310 1021
If you wish to use PayPal, please click here:

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